Sorry for using the word god, but it’s the higher source that I was introduced to. I have always believed in the universe and receiving little gifts, but yes, I have received a few life changing events that have stopped me in my tracks and changed my world dramatically and I now know those events as nudges. I have been given enough nudges that I am listening and no more ignoring the signs for me, but I am aware that I will receive another and I’m ok with that. Those little miracles that I receive are messages of hope, they replace uncertainty with certainty that everything is going to be ok and this is just a new road you have to go down because the road you have followed has ended. So what really is a god wink?
Some people would just say it’s a coincidence, or their prayers were answered or they would just have this unknown energy or something would come out of nowhere and they would be very surprised. When many people sees a butterfly they relate it to a loved one, myself when I see a miller (moth) I think of my nan and it do stop me in my tracks and I always get the feeling she’s with me. She was so afraid of millers that I believe she would send me the sign of a miller and this week I had received some awesome miracles (winks) that happened during the Oprah and Deepak meditation and all through the day I was flooded with hope. It has been one of those weeks that I have been asking for clarity because I am working so hard on my dreams and on Friday in yoga class the truth came out. All those messages this week were giving me a feeling that it’s all going to be ok and I will grow a new business and I am deserving of another success, but I do need to learn to ask to receive.
This week past I kept receiving beautiful messages, reassurances to hang on and that I am on the right track and at Yoga on Friday when I had to breathe out what wasn’t serving me, out came ‘Doubt”. It’s not a word I think of, it sure is a feeling, a thought and I had to question it and I did in every possible way. What is doubt I asked?
It’s a feeling of uncertainty and thank goodness when we feel it we have a choice of working through it, it’s really only fear but it is sad that many talents are buried because of this feeling of doubt and their blind visions of not seeing what the future can hold. We are given sickness, broken bones, accidents, sleepless nights and anger, the loss of loved ones through death and relationship breakups all because we allow our doubt to get in our way. This week past I had to tell my doubt, which I like to call my gremlin to get out of the way, I haven’t spent twenty months on this to walk away and let you tell me that I am not deserving or worthy of my dreams. It’s been weeks since I could write anything that made any sense and I have been working so hard on the proper coach verbiage and really, what do a coach sound like anyway? I sure hope they would be themselves, their authentic self. I have never struggled with helping others before, it’s my passion and I have lots of great knowledge in helping others see their dreams, their inner beauty. Can you see what I’m trying to say?
We are wasting our time with the voices in our heads that are slowing us down. Putting your dreams, desires and ambitions on hold is not an option. Living with regret and hate is not an option either because all this bad that’s coming your way and it doesn’t have to be a huge bad and it could be as small as stubbing your toe. Yes a stubbed toe… I can almost guarantee you that it’s a nudge, no not a wink. It’s a shift that wants you to see that your world is moving fast and it’s no time for doubt, fear, anger, hatred and for you not to manifest your dreams, desires and ambitions and to spend time getting along with your loved ones and living your purpose that’s deserving of a wink.
So my message today is work towards winks and not nudges, make peace and move forward!
Just be kind and love all, we are deserving of love, joy, peace and happiness. I’m sending my love from the bottom of my heart to all of you! Wink! Wink!