I remember writing and dreaming a lot, but for some reason my mother kept this journal of grade seven, maybe because we moved out of Lumsden that year and back to St. John’s. It was only a short time ago that she gave the journal back to me and reading it I was surprised that I wrote a beautician, meet lady Diana and visit Hollywood. Being a beautician happened and this career gave me way more than cutting hair. I was reading back in my journals of a few years ago and I was shocked the skills and learning that I had done, it reassured me that I was always forward thinking into the future. I always knew that people needed to work on their inside to become beautiful on the outside. I watched clients who evolved from bitter and angry to peace and their looks truly changed, they became beautiful on the outside, a true transformation, but as I was reading I was thinking about all the questions I asked myself and how I actually reprogrammed my mind of limiting beliefs. Are you aware of what beliefs are? And why you should change your limiting beliefs sometimes.
Beliefs would be your thinking patterns that you have built up over the years that has formed a mental image of what you think is the truth. Unfortunately they define who we think we are and our perception of the world and then our beliefs control what we are capable of, my mantra has always been, everything and anything is possible, but the voices of the false beliefs still play over in my head and sometimes cause me to struggle and hold back in life. I believe we have all been fed some garbage in our life, it’s our choice what we do with this garbage. My choice has been through writing. I have put it on paper and wrote, and wrote until the truth came out, that made sense to me. Being creative my whole life, I loved my barbie’s, makeup, fashion and I always admired people, I loved older people and I believed in what they had to say. When I decided I wanted to be a hairstylist I was told by an adult that it was not a good choice, there was no money and actual fact it was for people who were not very smart. So I went into another career choice and it caused me lots of money and I was miserable working in an office. I would cry in the mornings, cry on my lunch break and cry driving home, I did this for maybe 8 or 9 months and then came the day when I was laid off and I was so happy, in my mind it was a miracle. I later learned that I had the vision of a beautician from a young age and I was receiving what I was asking for my whole life to be a hairstylist and to help others. I remembered all I was told about hairstyling, the beliefs of those that believed there was no money into it and you didn’t need to be smart. Those that told me those limiting beliefs could have ruined my life, because I made a very good income. An income that surprised many in the past couple of years. As for being smart, that’s in the eyes of the ignorance because I would challenge you any day to walk the shoes of a stylist and then measure smart. We may be creative beings but we are so much more and smart we are, we understand the psychology of the human brain, we are one of a kind, we are gifted human beings. I personally believe that with 24 years of working and listening with people I have enough experience now to help coach a person with their inner beauty. I do believe that when we make positive changes from within, your outside world will magically transform for the better. I always believed this, but I didn’t realize that I would become my own experiment to believing that this truly works and I would watch my own mask lift off.
I always wrote what was bothering me and I always asked myself questions until it all made sense to me and then I felt better. I consistently did this until I believed it, I actually was reprogramming my thoughts. When I did fall out of alignment it was usually because something was being triggered and I had to learn and stop and tell myself my truth. I have learned this over the years and this week reading back over my story, I am so crazy proud that I believe in manifestation now more than I ever did before. For years I carried my Secret Book like it was my Bible and now I am pleased to understand it full circle. I have to ask you all, Do you believe Everything and Anything is possible? Do you know your Beliefs? Are you interested in learning if you have limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your dreams, desires and ambitions. What is your #1 Limiting belief that is holding you back in life? It’s pretty cool, I have many stories and examples of this that I could share, but look at me, you just read this whole post and I was told I wasn’t smart and writing was not an option and now I believe I am a writer. Wink! Wink!
You can be anything you want, you just have to believe that anything and everything is possible, Believe!