Hello, Come and celebrate with me. I am so excited to be writing my first blog post. I know, some of you are shaking your head…
For me it’s been a long time coming. I have put this on my last three vision boards. I have told others that this is my vision and as I was saying it, in a matter of 48 hours they would have their first blog post up. I would be like, what? But they actually pushed me, inspired me that I could too. Which brings me to my first blog.
Don’t give up! Keep Pushing, learning and move forward towards your dream. Please do not feel jealousy because jealousy works the opposite way you want it to and that’s the truth. It don’t bring happiness. Most people give up just before the magic happens for them, it happens to me all the time. Just as I feel a shift of body weight, I celebrate and give myself permission to have a treat. Am I the only person this happens too? No… I do a yoga pose and I announce it and then my body tells me I celebrated too early. Just as the voices in my head, tell me, I am setting myself up for failure. I have learned it’s my gremlin talking and I push it away and I continue on and keep saying to myself, I got this!
I have learned through my journey that I need to seek likeminded people, they inspire me and I learn from them. In the past I joined a group and they were all figureouters and guess what I did. I quit! Just before the magic was about to happen and I’m sorry for that because in this world, I have learned we are all alike. The universe will bring it to us at different timings. We are all not meant to experience everything alike, nor are we suppose to be good at everything but I do believe that we are all meant to love ourselves, lift each other up, breathe through the difficult and be the best version of ourselves that we are meant to be.
Believe in your dreams because dreams do happen, just remember not to give up just before the magic is about to happen. It’s not going to be easy, if it don’t challenge you it will not change you. So if you really want something, go for it because I was starting to believe that blogging was never going to happen for me and my purpose would be to inspire others to blog. How Sad! That I could have missed out on the feeling that I feel at this moment.
Thank You, this blog is brief but I am so excited to be writing my first blog and many more to come.