Everything is bouncing off me but I’m absorbing nothing. I reminded myself today that this was my life for a long time.
Do you sometimes feel that you are doing everything, but what you want to do. Yes, I am sure you do. We are living in a world of deadlines, expectations, timelines, etc. As I said before we are racing quickly through our days, months and years and we have no time to sit and absorb what just happened, but we do have time to chat, complain, and get stressed over something we do not agree with, or have control over, or something that upsets us, it could be the news, a person and mostly people that we are close to, that’s who we complain the most about.
If we spent as much energy praising a person, thing or situation and see the good and sit with it, be quiet and grateful the world would be at peace but some would call this boring. It’s boring to talk positive, no fun in that. We need to get anxious, hyper and stressed, our blood boiling for a real good rant, to feel cleansed, or at least we think we do.
A small population of people sit and meditate, they celebrate the good with the bad. They take little pieces of learning from every situation and they make it powerful. What do a powerful person do? It’s a person that has great effectiveness and influence, they learn and help us to see our good through speech, speaker, description, a reason, etc. They live life seeing the glass half empty or half full, never full and never empty and they thrive to make this world a better positive place, they leave us powerful messages, they do not engage in conversations that only upset them, powerful people do not go there. We are all born powerful. Are you a powerful person? I will admit, I am working hard at this but task not completed yet.
So come back down and sit, be quiet and take time to do somethings that you really want to do. I love walking by the ocean, hiking, yoga, journaling, sitting in coffee shops with friends. Those are just some of my favorites, but I do get anxious with too many things on my schedule and I enjoy nothing. For many years I loved my job and when I look back it’s great to love your job to make a living but you cannot forget about your own personal care needs, I loved my job but I never gave myself time to enjoy all my inner child passions, for example, like playing in the dirt, as an adult gardening, jumping rocks, as an adult hiking. You see the pattern. I was that person that saying no was impossible but I learned lately that saying no is healthy. I was a people pleaser and I would do without to give to others. Are you a people pleaser? I am sure I am not the only one.
I have been racing through time again lately and I have to sit, write and spend two hours with me. You should try it, do something that grounds you. If you are too busy then you need to make this happen. I learned almost two years ago that taking 3% of your day doing what makes you happy is the most powerful for yourself, your loved ones and acquaintances. Do today what you love and shine your light, be powerful, 30 mins a day, I believe you are worth it.