Do you have inner dreams? I sure do. Are you a person that keep them inside or have given up on your dreams because life happened, is it fear of the unknown or being intimidated by others and not living your truth. Have this happened to you and did you survive?
As an example. You really want to take part in an upcoming event, a course that is. You know you have value and the ability, but you are intimidated by what people may say and think of your credentials. You will be judged because you are speaking on experience and really all you have is your story, but you face your fear and go anyway, high five, I admire you. You are scared and feeling intimidated by the room of people when you arrive, your gremlin is sitting on your shoulder and you feel all eyes are on you when you walk into the room. You look around the room and you wonder where you are going to sit and you remind yourself that the old you would sit in the back in the corner, but the new you, will sit in the front row and introduce yourself to the girl sitting next to you. So you move into position, but then you are picked first to do an intro of yourself, your name and your why. You stand up and that shy labeled young girl begins to speak and you turn and look at the facilitator and you just know he expects more out of you, so you breathe and turn again and look at the room of people and you go for it and speak your truth, that’s all they wanted in the first place. You sit and as the others speak, your hands begin to get sweaty and you realize you are in a room of very educated people, from lawyers, engineers, nurses who all has many degrees, not just one. What do you do? That just happened to me, one week ago and I am here to tell you all, I survived and I got a level one certified coaches federation certificate as a certified coach practitioner. Congratulations to me, I am proud!
I knew when I went to Halifax to take part in this training that I would be in a room with all walks of life and it would be my choice to allow intimidation or to not allow it. Being an individual who faces her fears and who has broken down many walls in the past two years on a self-discovery journey of my own. I had to believe in myself and have a plan and not allow myself to be intimidated because that would affect my outcome. I wasn’t sure if this plan would work, but it did. I made a choice to offer what I knew and to learn from others what I was on sure of. Did I get all the Q&A’s? No, but I know now that I am home I will learn because I am a life learner and then I can share with others. What did I learn this weekend and what message am I trying to offer you all?
We have all the answers inside of us, the questions can be asked to us and we can answer all our own questions, the answers are within, but we need some help sometimes believing and seeing our goals and we need accountability, we need to know our why and then when we are clear of this we can manifest our dreams and not allow intimidation in our life, because really, why are we feeling intimidated in the first place? Did we have our power taken from us a long time ago? We listened to our family, friends, teachers, bosses and sometimes we gave our power to strangers. We allowed intimidation, they stomped on our values and created fears within us. I believe we need to take back our power and live our truth and work on our roots, we need to be stronger in our roots. Let’s do the underneath work and trust our journey and not give someone the permission to intimidate us, make us feel unworthy because in actual fact, another story for another time. I believe, people don’t do this to us, the old me gave away my power all the time, allowed their words to affect me and it made me feel unworthy, lost and bitter. Now I make choices, I reassure the gremlin that I got this and I push it away, the noise that fills my head with unhealthy stories. It is our choice to give them the power.
I have been intimidated my whole life. I have missed out on many awesome experiences, chances and beautiful conversations and now I have discovered what made me sick two years ago, the battle of going up stream and not living my truth. Now I know my truth and I am so lucky for this second chance of being me, going with the flow downstream and learning to take on obstacles as opportunities and growth and the number one thing is loving who I am. I have learned that my story is not just a story it was given to me to share with all of you. My journey is not yet describable, but I do know as long as I live my truth, speak my truth, my life and who is in it, will be enough.